Two years after launching the 5110, IBM introduced its 5120 Computer System in February 1980 as the lowest-priced IBM computer to date. A representative configuration — which included a main storage capacity of 32,768 characters of information, a 120 character-per-second printer and the BASIC programming language — could be purchased for less than $13,500.


The IBM 5120 Computing System was announced in February 1980 as the desktop follow-on to The system was sold with both APL and BASIC languages in ROM and provided a toggle switch on the front panel to select the language.

It has been an important influence on the development of concept modeling, spreadsheets, functional IBM PC DOS 0.90. There was no PC DOS 0.90 product per se. It has been dubbed version 0.90 simply because it predates PC DOS 1.00 by several months. More information about this preliminary version of PC DOS can be found at the OS/2 Museum. Below is an IBM PC (Model 5150) with an original IBM ROM BIOS and Color (CGA) Display that will boot PC DOS Then follows the IBM 5110 in 1978 and the IBM 5120 in 1980. The IBM 5110 was offered as two models and different accessories and options: The IBM 5110 Model 3 is not a separate computer but the base of the IBM 5120 All the machines could be ordered with APL, BASIC or both as programming language (built into read-only storage). mid-1980's vintage APL from Watcom, under the "Open Watcom" initiative.

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GRAPHIC MODES. None. Colors. Monochrome. Sound. None.

Monochrome. Sound. None.

l'IBM 5100. L'IBM 5100, lancé en 1975 - donc deux ans avant l'Apple II - est le premier ordinateur personnel commercialisé par IBM.Transportable, il était muni d'un écran texte monochrome cathodique de très petite taille (diagonale de 5 pouces), mais très net et comportant 16 lignes de 64 caractères, et d'une unité de bande (adressable par blocs) intégrés, accompagné de trois

2018年12月10日 さて、そのIBM 5100は最小構成(16K RAM+BASIC)で8975ドル、最大構成(64KB RAM+BASIC+APL)で1万9975ドルと、ややパーソナルとは言いにくい価格であっ た。 IBM 5100シリーズの末裔が1980年に出たIBM 5120である。 異なるOS からの移行も簡単で、5Gがすぐに使える「AQUOS sense5G」  4 Jun 2017 They apparently existed from 1969 to around late 1970ish or perhaps early 1980ish, during My first paid programming job was on one of these (the 5120). I coded in BASIC and the IBM BASIC had a wonderful ISAM built r 110360 OS DOS SYSTEM APL CMS PROGRAM.

1980 ibm 5120 os apl basic

I have "IBM 5110/5120 Computing Systems APL Reference Manual" Third Edition (July 1980). The copyright lists 1977, 1978, 1980. So I expect that the 5100 came out in 1977.

Document Titles IBM 5100 Portable Computer: A full function computer for problem solvers. 1980 Publisher International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) The IBM 5100 was sold in different configurations, and my system appears to be one of the most complete: all the slots are populated, with both APL and BASIC languages and the full 64KB of RAM – “Read/Write Storage” in IBM terms. Below are the empty card slots of the IBM 5100, and after that all the cards as named in the manual. In the early 1980's, the only small-sized APL machine suitable to the school budget was the IBM model 5120. It costV 5,000,00O(five miliion yen) each. In contrast, personal computers made in Japan using BASIC cost only Y SOO,OOO( five-hundred thousand only one-;renth of the 5120's cost.

The 5103 printer is a wire matrix printer used by the 5120 computing system.
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[1] The system was sold with both APL and BASIC languages in ROM and .

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2018年12月10日 さて、そのIBM 5100は最小構成(16K RAM+BASIC)で8975ドル、最大構成(64KB RAM+BASIC+APL)で1万9975ドルと、ややパーソナルとは言いにくい価格であっ た。 IBM 5100シリーズの末裔が1980年に出たIBM 5120である。 異なるOS からの移行も簡単で、5Gがすぐに使える「AQUOS sense5G」 

A representative configuration — which included a main storage capacity of 32,768 characters of information, a 120 character-per-second printer and the BASIC programming language — could be purchased for less than $13,500. The 5120 integrated system was the last evolution of the 5100 and 5110 portable series, and the last 'heavy desktop' computer made by IBM. The 5120 was an intermediate system between the IBM mainframes and the future 5150 PC. Actually, it was the first desktop Personal Computer made by IBM. Basically, The 5120 technology remained the same as the 5100 model: same custom processor and same IBM typical hardware profile inspired by the mainframes technology.

The IBM 5100 Portable Computer is a portable computer (one of the first) introduced in September 1975, six years before the IBM Personal Computer.It was the evolution of a prototype called the SCAMP (Special Computer APL Machine Portable) that was developed at the IBM Palo Alto Scientific Center in 1973.

I still like to turn on occasionally and pretend like it''s 1980 all over again. L'IBM 5120 Computing System è un personal computer dell'IBM annunciato nel febbraio 1980 e commercializzato fino al 1981.

None. Colors.